Paris vs. NewYork is a visual comparision of the cultural iconography of two cities by graphic designer Vahram Muratyan - what an awesome idea! I can't decide which one I like best!
I cannot get my mind off Japanese artist's Katsumi Hayawaka's amazing 3D paper sculptures. He is currently exhibiting these at the Gallery MoMo in Roppingi, Japan.
One of my resolutions this year has been to do the 'simple, everyday' things with Z that I always put off for another day just because something more seemingly important comes along.
I'd love to ride the TTC with Z this winter. Plant a tree in the spring. Enjoy a quiet, early morning bike ride on Lakeshore.
The above are a great reminder by Citizen Scholar - "Things You've Been Meaning To Do" - a series of illustrations byJoanne Neborsky
A's best friend lives in London, England. His lovely daughter just turned one and while looking for local gifts, I came across these awesome wooden toys. Aren't they just gorgeous? I wish they had Toronto.
One of my resolutions this year was to blog everyday, or almost everyday. I must admit the lateness of this post should not reflect my intention with keeping with my resolution.
Ten years ago, we were waging a war with computers, hoping fervently that our world would not be consumed by the Y2K bug. Over the last decade, the world has engaged in countless wars, killing innocent people. I hope and pray that 2010 brings with it peace and a semblance of hope.
Even though this was a tumultuous decade for the world, it was an exciting and adventurous decade in my life. I lived in three continents, graduated from university, co-edited a book, got married, found a real job, had a baby and moved houses 7 times. This was the decade I lost myself; first in university and then to marriage and then to a baby and then finally found myself. I'd have to say my biggest struggle in the last decade was learning and understanding who I was and being happy with me.
This year was a big year; I think I truly grew up. Over the last decade I struggled to find my passion with work; at times it just seemed easier to give up and just go with the flow. This year, I finally figured out what I was passionate about; my husband said it was in my face the last couple of years, it just took me a while to figure out. And so to embark on this journey, I'm working on my MDes and I haven't been happier.
A and I survived our first year as parents and are tremendously enjoying bringing up a toddler. My husband launched his line of clothing earlier this year and is reveling in the joys and hardships of being a creative entrepreneur.
This year our resolutions are simple; A and I have chosen to pursue our dreams; live in Europe for a couple of months, backpack around South America, spend endless time with our daughter, sustain our life and livelihood as creative entrepreneurs and to raise funds for a cause.
Here's wishing you and your loved ones a safe and fulfilling 2010!
ps: I'm taking on Jammie'sBest-of-2009 blog challenge and should have a list by the end of this month!
Having lived on three continents and with a desire to live on more, I love stories, cultures, histories and all things old and beautiful. This blog is a diary of my works, inspirations and musings.
Thanks for visiting!